Sunday, 22 June 2008
Conducts of Time #1
Conducts of time are not only behaviours and channels but also gaits of time, postures of time in movement. They may equally inhere in the pas au dela, the step which is also a pas – a not, in Derrida’s Blanchovian formulation. Conducts of time may give rise to systole or diastole, to condensations and saturations, as in
running on the spot, and to disseminations. A conduct may produce reifications and consolidations of the most facsistic kind, or it may liberate blocs of becoming. The Block versus the bloc, the distinction which might be found in formulations such as the Abstract Machine in its multivalent functioning in the thought of Deleuze and Guattari. The abstract machine as programming inertia on the one hand, and as processual experimental bricolage on the other. Our contemporary technoscientific milieu elicits from its minions – and according to certain accounts we are working whether we like it or acknowledge it or not – responses along both lines in equal measure. Indeed the internet itself displays in its mutations the contending performances of these contrasting and opposed positionings: freedom of expression but only insofar as search engine hierarchies aid in the visibility of that expression, proliferation of glimpses beyond the threshold of copyrighted artefacts but constant reminder of the increasingly flexible border twisting and insinuating itself into every journal article glimpsed via Project Muse, but tantalisingly out of touch to those in universities not subscribing to it. The frustration of the Athens password holder in the university which touches the frontier of Project Muse but can only peer across the digital tract, what Samuel Beckett might call, the “vastitude”, at the disappearing thread of the legible abstract. The web for the university student or staff member is always territorialised. They find the borders everywhere.

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